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How it all started

Locals to the Peak District for much of their lives Michael and Andrew had no real desire to cycle (too many hills and dales) – walking or driving seemed a far easier and enjoyable way to explore the National Park


Both now beyond a mid-life crisis rather than buying a new sports car they stumbled upon the world of the eBike and what followed was a total revelation as purchasing eBikes not only led to healthier lifestyles but also introduced the guys to a greener more exciting way to explore parts of the Peak District they had never seen before. 



Turning it into a business

Discussing their new hobby at a local hostelry they decided to put a few trails together.  Each week they would organise a new trail and found some absolute “corkers” which they continuously refined.  Both guys thought they knew the Peak District well or so they thought, but there was so much to see “off the beaten track”.

As they got fitter they started to take on more adventurous routes enabling them to create tours for more advanced cyclists too. These trails became their "tours" and the foundation for our ePedals business

Our Vision

Our curated routes are therefore not designed for expert mountain bikers but for “folks like us” who are new to eBiking and wish to get out into the countryside and experience something new without too much graft.


The ePedals vision is to showcase our beloved Peak District by connecting historic sites via bike friendly terrain. We will go that extra mile to provide everything needed for a great day out and enable our customers to experience a totally new and sustainable way of looking at our beautiful countryside.


Scaling Up

As the tour business began to grow & the eBike sales business took off it became clear that maintenance & repair was needed in house so experienced guide & bike mechanic Dan joined the team. Dan manages the eBike fleet, sets up the new bikes & offers maintenance / repair services to our sales customers. (plus some guiding when he has time)


Although the guys now have plenty of miles tour guiding under their belts they also felt it was important to formalise their qualifications & have taken both their eBike Tour Leader Certificate and their ITC Certificate in Outdoor First Aid at SCQF Level 6.  

What Our Clients Say

Trip Advisor eBike Tour Reviews

Interested in Our Merchandise?

If you are a fan of the ePedals concept, want to remember how much you enjoyed your experience or just like our ePedals Icon then you might be interested in visiting our online merchandise store  

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